Veterans Health Local Resource Guide-Home Medical Support


NCDHHS: A variety of programs are offered through the state of North Carolina.
Care Management of Frail Older Adults
Family Caregiver Support
Home Care Independence
Housing and Home Improvement Assistance
Information and Options Counseling
In-Home Aide

Each county in North Carolina has an area agency on aging and may be contacted for support for a resident in need. Click to find your county.

Cumberland County Council on Older Adults: A non-profit organization with no income limit for a 60+ veteran who lives in Cumberland County, NC who provides home repairs include installing safety grab bars, handrails, wheelchair ramps, in-home aid care, including household chores and meals preparation, a senior companion program that sits with seniors and takes them to store if needed, and a meals on wheels program. Carolyn Palmer: 910-484-0111 ext. 225, Director of In-Home Aid). Director of Nutrition: Amber Gulch: 910-484-0111 ext. 240; Director of Senior Companion Program: Kelly Morton 910-484-0111 ext.244

Moore County Department of Aging: In-Home Services Manager, Debbie Hickman, RN, coordinates and oversees the care that is given in the homes, and regularly visits each client to ensure that services are safe and appropriate. Debbie Hickman, RN, is assisted by a full-time Certified Nursing Assistant, Jennifer Thomas, who is the In-Home Services Supervisor. To qualify for this service you must be a Moore County resident 60 years of age or older. For more information about this service please contact Debbie Hickman or Jennifer Thomas at 910-947-4174.

Navy/Marine Corp Relief Society: The Society’s Visiting Nurse Program has been supporting active duty and retired Navy and Marine Corps families since 1922. Our nurses provide health education and resource referral to promote health maintenance and continuity of care throughout the lifespan. please Reach out to [email protected]

VA Geriatrics and Extended Care Homemaker and Home Health Aide Care: This program is for Veterans who need personal care services and help with activities of daily living. This program is also for Veterans who are isolated, or their caregiver is experiencing burden.