Veterans Health Local Resource Guide-Dementia Support

Care for veterans with all the subtypes of dementia is provided throughout the full range of VA health care services. Depending on the person’s needs, services may include Home Based Primary Care, Homemaker and Home Health Aide, Respite Care, Adult Day Health Care, outpatient clinic, inpatient hospital, Nursing Home, Palliative Care, or Hospice Care. Caregiver Support is also an essential part of these services.

Additional community resources for dementia include:

Dementia Alliance of North Carolina provides community education, resources, support services and referrals to aid those suffering from dementia and their families. The organization also raises funds for research into the prevention, treatment and cure of Alzheimer’s disease and related memory disorders. 919-832-3732, [email protected]

Dementia-Capable North Carolina is a comprehensive state plan aimed at improving the quality of life for those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, raising awareness of memory disorders and enhancing support for families and caregivers.For more information on any of these dementia initiatives please contact Heather Carter, Dementia Services Coordinator, at [email protected] or by calling 919-855-3416.

North Carolina Area Agencies on Aging was established by the Older Americans Act to address the needs of seniors in the state. It advocates for new and improved programs and provides home and community-based services to seniors in long-term care, including meals, companionship and transportation. Click to access your county office.

Project CARE is a state-funded support program that assists NC unpaid direct caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s and related memory disorders. Caregivers can access counseling, care consultations, educational resources, respite care and referrals to social support networks.