Veterans Health Local Resource Guide-Vision Support

Medical eye care and vision care programs are available through both the state of North Carolina, NCDHHS services, as well as the VA.

NCDHHS Medical Eye Care Program (Preserving or Improving your Vision): The Medical Eye Care Program uses every available resource to prevent blindness and restore vision in people who are at risk for losing sight or have lost sight.

Eye Surgery/Treatment: If you are a North Carolina resident and do not qualify for Medicaid, we might be able to assist you with eye-related surgery/ treatment. Eligibility is determined by a Social Worker for the Blind. Prior approval for emergency treatment and services will only be given by the state Consulting Ophthalmologist.

Eye-Related Medications: If you are a North Carolina resident, do not qualify for Medicaid and have no other resources to assist you, our Medical Eye Care Program might be able to provide medication assistance. Eligibility is determined by the Social Worker for the Blind in your county and approved by the Nursing Eye Care Consultant.

VA Vision Care:  If you qualify for VA health care benefits, you may be able to get some or all of your vision care through VA.

To schedule an eye exam, talk to your VA primary care provider or contact your nearest VA medical center or clinic.
Find a VA medical center near you

If you’re a blind or low vision Veteran, you may be able to get more advanced vision care and rehabilitation services.
Find out if you qualify for blind and low vision Veteran services