Stroke Recovery Guide

A microphone is shown in front of blurry lights.Too often rehabilitation is dictated by the quality of insurance payments and the good fortune to be connected to a provider who will go above and beyond for you. These devoted people exist, but they are much too rare! The absence of accessible brain health support teams creates a huge gap between how brain scientists think about the brain and what is communicated to the general public. It is in this gap, alone and in the dark, that people become vulnerable to “too good to be true†claims that may cost a lot but provide very little.

We have a responsibility to do better.

I am doing my part by writing this guide and helping the patients I see in my North Carolina practice. You will start doing your part about 48 hours after your stroke, once medically stable, and for the rest of your life. It is up to YOU and your inner circle to become an expert in your unique brain injury and how to recover from it.

The only thing you are missing is INFORMATION and SUPPORT. It is my privilege to provide you with these for your ONGOING AND NEVER-ENDING ROAD TO RECOVERY.


Introducing Dr. Sullivan’s Interactive Stroke Recovery Guide…


Board-certified neuropsychologist Dr. Karen D. Sullivan shares vital INFORMATION AND SUPPORT that you and your family NEED to achieve the best brain recovery possible! This guide is designed for both the person who has had a stroke or a family member.



 68-PAGE INTERACTIVE GUIDE that will teach you how to:

  • Become an expert in the 10 Rules of Rehab
  • Harness the power of neuroplasticity to maximize your recovery
  • Put together the ideal rehab team of experts
  • Manage common mood symptoms and fatigue after stroke so you get better faster
  • Personalized tools to put your learning into practice includes: Recovery tracking sheets to monitor your progress AND Communication sheet for optimizing doctors visits (know exactly what questions to ask to enhance your recovery)Motivational cutouts to stay focused and positive
  • Invitation to companion private Facebook group with Dr. Sullivan
  • 15-minute telephone call with Dr. Sullivan for personal support and education


Click here to PRE-ORDER your copy: ONLY $99. Your copy will be mailed on or before APRIL 4, 2018.