Air Force Aid Society Emergency Assistance: Applicants must be either active duty, in the reserve, retired, or widowed). Offer standard loans up to $2,500 and Falcon Loans up to $1,000 for emergency needs. Applicants must have a need, such as being behind on mortgage payments or utilities, car insurance, car payment or phone bill. They also offer grants for food (in the form of a check payable to the commissary on Fort Bragg). Grants for widows include mortgage payment, car insurance, car payment, and emergency needs. Grants are one-time grants and are paid directly to the vendors and for Air Force Personnel only. ( or AFAS provides emergency assistance to Airmen and Air Force families when unexpected financial emergencies arise with no interest loans and grants that provide financial services for the Air Force, Airmen and families. 910-394-2538.
American Red Cross Services For Armed Forces, Eastern North Carolina Region: Works in partnership with military aid societies to provide quality, reliable financial assistance to eligible applicants 24/7/365. Assistance can include funds for emergency travel, burial of a loved one, emergency food and shelter, etc. In the event of an emergency, such as fire/house burned-down, flood, tornado, or hurricane, American Red Cross may be able to provide financial assistance for immediate housing in the form of an American Red Cross debit card or send an electronic fund direct deposit to Veteran’s own debit card that Veteran could use to rent a hotel/motel room for up to 3-5 days. They also provide assistance with clothing, refurnishing the home, and etc. Contact the local Fayetteville American Red Cross Chapter at 910-867-8151, EXT. 1.
Army Emergency Relief: Provides assistance if veterans reside within 50 miles from the nearest branch/installation and emergency relief, no matter the branch. Rent/mortgage, temporary lodging, vehicle repair, emergency travel, utilities/deposits, funeral expenses, child care assistance, food, nonreceipt of pay, travel fund for relocation (pcs), dependent dental, medical expenses, repair/replacement of HVAC, repair/replacement of major appliances, replacement vehicle, essential furniture, clothing, car seats, and rental vehicles. Located at Fort Liberty, NC, 910-396-2507. Regional Program Officer, Terry Gentry, (252-822-2240).
Independence Fund: Assists with mortgage/rent, utilities, childcare, transportation services, home WiFi services, household cleaning and upkeep, grocery and medical product delivery, and streaming services for work and learning. Veterans must be 40% service-connected or higher for this program.” Veteran applying for the program must have their DD214 and VA Award letter showing their service connection disabilities.
Operation Homefront Critical Financial Assistance: Offered o military families that helps to address critical financial shortfalls including help with mortgage payments, rent, utilities, car repairs, car payments, home repairs, overdue bills, critical baby items, essential home items, moving and relocation, travel and transportation, and groceries/food. (210) 659-7756 or 1-877-264-3968
Purple Heart Homes: Fills the gaps in housing through the Veterans’ Aging In Place and Veterans Home Ownership Programs. From building a ramp for a Veteran of World War II, to providing home ownership opportunities to younger Veterans, our programs are designed out of necessity and fit the specific needs of the Veteran population. Provides financial assistance to veterans whose homes have burned-down (i.e.,Lowe’s gift cards and new appliances). 755 Washington Ave Statesville, NC 28677. 704-838-4044 755
Veteran Empowering Veterans: Offers life skills training, including budgeting services, credit clean-up, resume writing, a clothing closet to assist veterans with clothing needs, transitional housing (currently four 2-bedroom houses that rent for $800 per month and includes washing and dryer) and a food box that is distributed every third Thursday of the month between 1pm-3pm. 325 B St, Fayetteville, NC, (910) 908-1398.
Veterans of Foreign Wars: Provides financial assistance for unmet needs to military families who have run into unexpected financial difficulties as a result of deployment or other military-related activity or injury. The program provides financial aid grants of up to $1,500 to assist with basic life needs in the form of a grant – not a loan – so no repayment is required. For additional information, and to see if you qualify for a grant, call 1-866-789-6333.
Wounded Warrior Program: Veterans do not have to be a wounded warrior to qualify. Provide Emergency Financial Assistance to registered and approved warrior households for some, but not all, situations. A warrior household may be eligible for a one-time financial grant only when all other options have been exhausted. Requests for assistance can usually be fulfilled in two business days, and all payments will be made to a third party. All payments assistance, except for food, will be paid directly to the creditor. Call or email the WWP Resource. 904-405-1213, 888-WWP-ALUM (1-888-997-2586). If they can’t help, they will help find other assistance options that work for you.
Fisher House Foundation: The Fisher House Foundation provides scholarships to children of active, reserve, and retired service members. Additionally, through the National Military Family Association, spouses are eligible to apply for scholarships that may be used to help pay for everything from GED’s to PhD’s, professional licenses and certifications, including re-licensure, business and entrepreneurial expenses, supervised clinical hours, continuing education courses, and more. For a complete source of scholarships available nationwide and check eligibility: https://search.