Veterans Health Local Resource Guide-Food Support

Each North Carolina county’s department of aging or senior center offers various meal programs, and area food pantries register with the Food Bank (listed below), providing multiple locations for food support for all ages. Veterans over 65  may also apply for SNAP benefits with the state of North Carolina.

Cumberland County Council on Older Adults: There are many reasons seniors may not eat well. Fixed incomes may not allow them to purchase quality nutritional foods, physical and/or mental problems may prevent them from cooking, or they simply do not want to eat alone. The Council operates several friendly lunch sites or seniors to come and enjoy a FREE hot nutritious meal and socialize with other seniors. 910-484-0111.

Fayetteville Urban Ministry: FUM came into existence in 1974 to address the widespread needs of people suffering in crisis situations throughout the county. Starting from a basement, Emergency Assistance grew into an effective grass roots operation that touches thousands of lives. Now the program houses a food pantry, clothing closet, and a financial assistance service for families and individuals in crisis. 701 Whitfield St, Fayetteville, NC 28306, 910-483-5944.

Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina: The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina (the Food Bank) is a nonprofit organization that has provided food for our friends and neighbors facing hunger in 34 counties in central and eastern North Carolina for over 40 years. Click to locate food pantries near you.

Meals on Wheels North Carolina: Meals on Wheels NC (MOWNC) is a member based association. MOWNC serves as the principal advocate and leadership organization for Meals on Wheels and Congregate Nutrition providers in the state of NC.

NCDHHS Congregate and Home Delivered Meals: Congregate meals provide a lunch time meal, which offers one third of the recommended daily dietary allowance and is provided in a group setting. In addition to serving healthy meals, the program presents opportunities for social engagement, information on healthy aging, and meaningful volunteer roles, all of which contribute to an older individual’s overall health and well-being. Home-delivered meals offer lunch to homebound older adults which offers one third of the recommended daily dietary allowance. This program serves much more than food. It provides a safety check, and sometimes the only opportunity for face-to-face contact or conversation that day.

NCDHHS North Carolina Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program: The NC Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides eligible lower-income older adults with coupons to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables at their local farmers’ markets. The program is designed to improve nutrition security.

Moore County Department of Aging Nutrition Program: The nutrition program includes both congregate (Diner’s Clubs) and home delivered meals. These programs are provided Monday through Friday and the meals are prepared by a nutrition caterer. For more information about congregate or home delivered meals, or to become a participant, contact 910-947-4185.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a lifeline for older adults, helping you buy the food you need to maintain good health. With your food assistance benefits, you can stretch your budget and save for other critical needs, like your utilities, health care, and prescriptions. Apply for SNAP benefits in North Carolina.

Veteran Empowering Veterans Food Pantry: The mission of the Your Brother’s Keeper’ Food Pantry is to eliminate hunger in our community and surrounding areas for veterans by acquiring and distributing food to those who seek aid. We will accomplish this mission by educating, empowering, and enlightening the veterans about the issues of hunger, nutrition, and the effects it has on their ability to become reintegrated back into the community.325 B St, Fayetteville, NC, 910-908-1398.